Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer: Retrofitting method of RCC elements
Introduction One of the biggest issues facing the construction industry for many ye…
Self Compacting Concrete is highly flowable concrete mixture which is able to consolidate under its own weight. It also known as Self Consolidating…
Read moreGlobalization and economic development lead a rapid growth in infrastructure sector like high rising structure, underground structure and many more.…
Read moreConstruction Waste Management is the process of separation and recycling of waste material generated while construction, deconstruction/demolish and…
Read moreInsulated Concrete forms (ICFs) is an sandwich-type of forms in which reinforced concrete is poured between two insulating layers ( Expanded Polysty…
Read moreFor better understanding of topic, we cover theoretical portion and a numerical step by step simultaneously. Numerical: At right angle intersection…
Read moreSight Distance It is defined as length of road that is visible to the driver at any instance. It is actual distance a driver with eye level at spe…
Read moreIt is defined as minimum distance available to driver at any spot of sufficient length on highway to stop the vehicle safely without any collisio…
Read moreOvertaking Sight Distance Overtaking Sight distance is minimum distance required by vehicle moving at design speed to overtake the vehicle moving a…
Read moreToday most of building materials are extracted from non renewable source which contribute huge amount into CO2 emission into atmosphere. Innovati…
Read moreNo-fine Concrete is a type of concrete in which fine aggregate in concrete is eliminated. This concrete is made of only coarse aggregate, cement and…
Read moreCompressive Strength of object is defined as total load beared by object in compression just before it fails. Compressive Strength of cement…
Read moreSlowly Plastic become an integral part of life. From day to night, we always use some material or thing made of plastic. It may be a plastic bag, to…
Read moreSelf healing technology creates a revolution in material science. It change the properties, manufacturing process and usage of material. Many count…
Read moreApparatus Water Pycnometer Fine Aggregate sample Weigh machine Theory Specfic Gravity is normally defined as ratio of mass of materi…
Read moreApparatus Weighing machine Specfic Gravity bottle Kerosene free from water Constant water bath Theory Specfic Gravity is normally defi…
Read moreCurves are regular bend which are provided in transportation lines like roads, railways etc. and also in canals to avoid obstructions. Curves also p…
Read moreAbney level is a most commonly used clinometers. Abney level is very useful for measuring vertical angles, slopes of ground, tracing a garde contou…
Read moreNow every structure is mostly made up of concrete and steel. Where Concrete is mixture of cement, aggregate, sand and water etc. Every concrete stru…
Read moreIn these process, we take linear measurement between stations or between station and points of any important structure like buildings etc. It involv…
Read moreIntroduction One of the biggest issues facing the construction industry for many ye…
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