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Showing posts from 2017Show All
Self Compacting Concrete
Transparent/ Light Transmitting Concrete
Construction Waste Management
Insulated Concrete Form- Sustainable Construction
Traffic signal time- By IRC method
Sight Distance- Highway Engineering
Stopping Sight Distance- Highway Engineering
Overtaking Sight Distance Design- Highway Engineering
Bio-Cement and Bio-Cementation Process
No-Fines Concrete and Its Mix Proportion
Compressive Strength of Cement (1:3)
How its made- Plastic Roads in India
Self healing asphalt roads
Specfic Gravity of Fine Aggregate
Specfic Gravity of Cement
Curves- Main Components and Classification
Abney's level- Introduction, Testing and Adjustment
Drip Curing Method-Save upto 80% water
Operations in Chaining Process
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